Men in Black Wiki
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The cover art for the game Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown

Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown was released on November 20th 2001 when season 4 of the series ended. The Game was developed by Runecraft and publsihed by Infogrames.

This game has you Playing as Agent J or K as you replay episodes from the actual cartoons. Some levels would also be original.

The game is a decent First Person Shooter and it recieved positive/mixed reviews.

The Levels Include:

0. MiB Training Room

1. The Fun Of The Fair Syndrome

- Roller Ghoster
- Houston, We Have A Problem
- Going Underground

2. The Spaceman Of Alcatraz Syndrome

- Junk Yard Jailbreak   

(Still Editing)

The Walkthrough (Thanks to[]


Lets play Men in Black The Series Crashdown Part 1 That is not agent J!

Part 1 of the Walkthrough. A Men In Black The Series: Crashdown Walkthrough/LetsPlay. This is the Training level of the Game where you play as Agent J going through the MiB training course.


Lets play Men in Black The Series Crashdown Part 2 Coney Fright Night

Part 2 of the walkthrough. This is the First Level of the game where you first control Agent K. Each level has 3 parts. This is the first part of Coney Island.


Lets play Men in Black The Series Crashdown Part 3 Inside the Coney ship

Part 3 of the walkthrough


Lets Play Men In Black The Series Crashdown Part 4 In the Coney Sewers

Part 4 of the walkthrough


Lets Play Men In Black The Series Crashdown Part 5 Rednecks in Scrapyards

Part 5 of the Walkthrough
