Men in Black Wiki
Men in Black Wiki
Mib company insignia
MiB and MIB redirect here. For other uses see Men in Black.
You will dress only in attire specially sanctioned by MIB Special Services. You'll conform to the identity we give you, eat where we tell you, live where we tell you. From now on, you'll have no identifying marks of any kind. You will not stand out in any way. Your entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memory with anyone you encounter. You're a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu, and dismissed just as quickly. You don't exist. You were never even born. Anonymity is your name. Silence, your native tongue. You are no longer part of the system. You are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We're 'them.' We're 'they.' We are the Men in Black.
Zed inducting J into the MiB.

The Men in Black (MiB for short) is a top secret organization whose primary objective is to conceal, monitor, license, regulate and police extraterrestrial activity on the planet Earth. The organization is seen in all forms of the Men in Black series.


The men in black icon

Pop culture icon representing the Men in Black.


504 Battery Drive, MiB HQ

The Men in Black was founded in the U.S. in the mid-1950s and began as a small and poorly funded government organization devoted to making contact with extraterrestrial life. They were initially seen as a joke, but did make contact with a group of alien refugees on March 2, 1961, outside New York City.

It was decided to make Earth an apolitical zone for aliens without a planet, and the organization broke its government ties to become the Men in Black, which became the singular force to conceal and police the aliens that came to Earth. The founding members were the seven agents present at the landing, plus an amateur astronomer and a young man who got lost going to see his girlfriend. This last one became K, and one of the agents became his partner D. The MiB has continued since then, with first X then Zed and more recently Agent O as its senior agent, to protect the normal citizens of Earth from alien threats and police extraterrestrial immigrants, with notable members including B, J, and L.


The MiB is no longer connected to any world government, as they "ask too many questions", and so, the organization supports itself financially with the patents they hold on various confiscated alien innovations. These include liposuction, microwave ovens, and Velcro.

The organization has branches throughout the world, each headed by its own chief. The bases shown in the series are located in New York, Paris, and London. These headquarters also serve as customs agencies for screening and registering incoming and outgoing extraterrestrials. Each MiB branch keeps tabs on aliens in its assigned area, and ensures that the local humans remain unaware of their presence.

Agents' Lives[]

After joining, all MiB agents sever every tie with their former lives, along with having all traces of their identity erased. but these lives may be restored upon retirement or termination, wherein they are neutralized and their memories of MiB erased. All agents dress in black business suits with Rayban sunglasses, and have access to a wide array of alien technologies for their missions. Note that not every member is a human - several aliens are part of the staff (or are just hanging around in headquarters). Their standard operating calendar is based on Centurion time, which a day in their time lasts thirty-seven hours, sixteen of which an agent must spend on duty, and nineteen months in an overall Centurion year. MiB Headquarters is located at 504 Battery Drive in New York City.

Known Agents[]

  • Chief Zed - Former Head of the US branch and one of its founding fathers.
  • Agent O - Current Head of the US branch of the MIB.
  • Agent K - One of the founding fathers of the US branch.
  • Agent J - Recruited into the organization by K as his replacement.
  • Agent B
  • Agent D - Common agent ordered by J to check to worm tranqs.
  • Agent F - Frank the pug was J's temporary partner.
  • Agent D - One of the founding fathers of the US branch and K's partner before he retired.
  • Agent T - J's partner for a brief period after K's temporary retirement.
  • Agent L - Temporary agent in the MIB who replaced K as J's partner.
  • Agent W - Undercover as Andy Warhol in the 1960s.
  • Chief X - The Head of the US branch during the 1960s.
  • High T - Former Head of the UK branch of the MIB.
  • Agent H - T's former partner and current head of the UK branch of the MIB.
  • Agent M - Rookie Agent temporary transferred to MIB UK.
  • Agent C - senior agent in the UK branch
  • Gustave Eiffel - Founder of the MIB during the 19th century

Animated Series

  • Alpha - One of the founding fathers of the MIB who tried to destroy the organisation.
  • Agent X - An alien working as an agent for the MiB.
  • Agent H - One of the Founding members.
  • Agent Q - One of the Founding members.
  • Agent T - One of the Founding members.
  • Agent U - an agent that teaches new aliens about Earth.
  • Agent E - Hollywood agent for aliens.
  • Agent C - Was an agent in charge of an MIB submarine until he aided a Zaigarian terrorist.

Video Game






  • In the original comics, the organization also deals with paranormal activity such as demons, mutants, zombies, werewolves, legendary creatures, and other such beings. Unlike the movie version, they'll even resort to any means necessary, including murder and destruction, to keep the existence of the supernatural hidden from the public.
    • Their investigating demons in the comics was given a subtle nod in Men in Black II, where the Newspaper guy's newspaper in the climax showed on its headline an article about how Satan had returned to Earth.
    • In "The Jack O'Lantern Syndrome", headquarters is being attacked by what Agent Elle assumed was a poltergeist, with Elle even showcasing devices designed to detect and counter ectoplasmic activity, but it turned out to be extraterrestrial in nature. Although the episode ends with Frank suddenly transforming into a werewolf, presumably supernatural.